Summer Camp to Build Confidence

Girls go to summer camp to build confidence

Summer Camp is More Than a Place to Do Activities

Let’s be honest, we don’t send our kid to camp to do activities (although we are glad they do), we send them to summer camp to build confidence. As a summer camp director, it’s my hope that your camper comes home brimming with newly acquired confidence. 

Girls, especially the middle school age, struggle finding self-esteem. As a parent you can tell them over and over again how great they are, but unfortunately most kids have to struggle to learn this themselves. Sending your child to summer camp to build confidence may not seem like the obvious choice, but it can work wonders.

Camp Jeanne d’Arc to Build Confidence

At Camp Jeanne d’Arc we plan our entire program around helping our young campers gain self-confidence. This is done as campers are given opportunities to: find her voice, discover her talents, and realize her value.

She will find self-confidence at summer campFind Her Voice

Campers find their voice as they stand up, stand out, take risks, and try new things. At CJDA this is done in weekly variety shows, running for team captain, going out for clubs, participating in tournaments, and presenting the “morning talk.” As campers find the courage to step up, they feel powerful; realizing they are capable of success.

girls go to summer camp to build confidence as they participate in activities like horseback riding.Discover Her Talents

Campers discover their talents as they are presented with myriad activities to explore. From watersports to arts and crafts, field sports to musical theatre, mountaineering to bracelet making–everyone will find something they are passionate about. Through this exposure and experimentation, girls gain confidence as they discover who they really are, not clouded by what others think is cool.

Realize Her Value

Campers build confidence at camp as they participate in meaningful activities that boost their sense of worth. At CJDA, we take part in weekly service projects both within and outside of our camp community. We tie blankets for those in need, we make cards for vets, we assemble birthday bags for the community, and we perform acts of service for our counselors. What is happening here is that these young people are forgetting about themselves for a brief period of time to think about another. This helps their confidence soar as they get all the “good feels” from doing something for another.

Find a Summer Camp to Build Confidence

Summer camp is so much more than a good time or a way to fill up the lazy days of summer. You go to summer camp to build confidence! When looking for the right camp for your daughter, be sure the camp’s history, mission, and values align with what you want for your daughter, to ensure she is part of an environment that will empower her to be her best.