Alumni Hub
It’s still the same camp you love!
Although campers have changed over the years — the traditions, songs, and commitment to Camp and each other remains the same. “Once a Jeanne d’Arcer, always a Jeanne d’Arcer!”
Then vs now

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Want to learn how to stay up to date on all things Camp? Join us on social media, subscribe to the Blue Sparks newsletter, and find out how to connect with local Jeanne d‘Arcers in your area.
News and events
Get the latest scoop on JDA reunions, meet-ups, and events, as well as noteworthy news and Blue Sparks archives.
Your stories
Share your personal camp history, memorable camp moments, and the impact camp has had on your life. Your story will be shared on the JDA blog and select stories will be highlighted in the Blue Sparks newsletter!
By posting here you agree to allow us to share your story with our community.
Want to give back to camp? There are lots of ways to support Camp Jeanne d’Arc including donations, volunteer opportunities, and special projects.
Register your daughter
Interested in signing your child up for the same experience you enjoyed at JDA? Find out about the upcoming camp season.