Why camp Jeanne d’arc
We have a great range of activities for everyone.
Campers of any experience level are invited to sign up for either group or personal ride lessons. Jr and Sr clubs are offered.
Campers learn the proper technique for paddling at canoe. Jr and Sr clubs are offered.
Campers learn the skills of mountaineering including setting up a camp site, tying knots, fire building, and orienteering. Jr and Sr clubs are offered.
Campers will learn all skills necessary to sail. Jr and Sr clubs are offered.
Campers enjoy shooting archery, BBs, and rifles.
Campers enjoy exploring the various outdoor spaces at camp including the camp garden and Camp Cormier.
Campers not only enjoy playing traditional sports like soccer and volleyball, they also play fun field games like Spud, Run-sleepy-run, Kick the Can, and Capture the Flag.
Campers enjoy a wide range of sports including tennis, basketball, soccer, tetherball, volleyball, and more.
Campers participate in swim lessons every day. Campers are placed in their appropriate swim level upon arrival.
Campers have an opportunity to express themselves through the arts including cabin skits, camp dances, arts and crafts, weekly variety shows.
Campers spend time every day at the waterfront. Activities include SUP, fun in the sun, sand castle building, water trampoline and splash pad, kayaking, and more.
Campers may choose to sign up for water ski/wakeboarding/tubing.