Why camp Jeanne d’arc

Meet the Staff

Executive Camp Directors

Sandy & Randy Abbott

(aka camp Mom and Dad). We are passionate about and dedicated to the empowerment of our campers. Along with our dedicated Senior Staff, we work year round to create an extraordinary summer experience for our girls. We spend our off-season living in California, not far from the Sequoia National Park. We enjoy exploring the outdoors, spending time with extended family, exercising, traveling to visit our campers, volunteering in the community, and keeping up with our 3 adult children and one teenage son. At camp you’ll find me (Sandy) in the gardens, exploring at Camp Cormier, and overseeing the details of the camp facility. Randy’s favorite place to be at camp is the waterfront. As a certified lifeguard trainer, he oversees all things at the water. Randy also spends a fair amount of time at his computer keeping our camp parents informed and taken care of. We feel so blessed to be able to dedicate our lives to helping our camp families build strong girls!

Camp Counselors

Our exceptional camp counselors are hired to help us on our mission to build strong girls

We hire counselors who are:

Staff positions


Our C.I.T. program is a transitional step from camper to counselor, as 16-17 year olds take on increasing responsibility and leadership training, giving them the necessary skills and confidence to be leaders both at camp and outside of camp. The C.I.T.s participate in training, begin to lead activities, and plan camp wide projects.


Junior Counselors take on a vital role at camp as they assist in teaching activities and managing cabin life. Junior Counselors work cooperatively with fellow counselors while continuing to grow their leadership abilities and learning new mentorship skills. They participate in planning and carrying out events/activities, learn to lead Independently, and begin to learn how to mentor others. 


Senior Counselors are the backbone of the camp expenence, leading activities and cabin life while offering mentorship to Junior Counselors and C.I.T.s. Their ability to lead, act independently, create and carry out long term plans, and problem solve make them essential members of the team.


Under the supervision of Director Staff, Directors step up in responsibility as they help manage both counselors and entire activity areas of camp, plan and carry out training for counselor staff, and participate In executive decision-making. This high level of leadership requires a great deal of independent decision-making, autonomy, and trust.

To apply for a Director position, send an email directly to info@campjeannedarc.com

Hiring process

Our counselors go through a series of interviews in order to earn their position as a staff member at JDA. They are carefully vetted through a series of background checks and feedback from prior employers. Only the very best are hired as staff at Camp Jeanne d’Arc.


Staff schedule

7:15 am – Reveille (Wake up to the morning bugle)

8:00 am – Flag Raising and Breakfast

9:30 am – Activities! Enjoy all the fun Camp Jeanne d’Arc has to offer, with a snack in between

1:00 pm – Lunch (Yummy!) and collect mail

2:00 pm – Rest Hour (Take a break on your bunk to rest, read, listen to music or write home)

3:00 pm – Choice Activity. Choose something new every day, or do your favorite again

5:00 pm – Cabin Time

6:00 pm – Dinner (Served family style, so take what you want. There’s a yummy salad bar too!)

7:00 pm – Evening activities (More activities after dinner, usually as a big group)

8:00 pm – Campfire and Goodnight Circle (Sing and relax before bed)

9:20 pm – Taps (Don’t forget the milk and cookies served to you before lights out)