Work With Us

working at camp

As leaders at CJDA we aspire to make a difference in the world

This vision started with our first director, Ruth Israel McIntyre. She felt that if children could get to know each other and realize that all human beings are the same regardless of their differences, more global understanding and greater world peace would result. This bold vision that we continue today, can only be realized through exceptional leadership.

Positions we are hiring for

Junior Counselor

Eligible for ages 17-19


Eligible for ages 18+


Eligible for ages 21+

Skills we are looking for

Qualities of our counselors:

Self Confidence: an inspiration to others
Self Less: concerned with the needs of others
Enthusiastic: happy about life
Community Builder: brings people together
Skilled and Hard Working: can teach a skill and is willing to work hard as a team
Responsible: focused on safety and care

You make camp unique and extraordinary
You will influence your campers in life changing ways

You will grow too

Leadership, public speaking, management, problem solving, conflict resolution.

One big family

Staff at Camp Jeanne d’Arc truly become a family throughout the course of the summer. So many of our counselors agree, which is why they return year after year.

Frequently asked questions

You have questions, we have answers. Go through your most frequently asked questions about work with us.
  • Care for campers in the cabin and guide them at activities
  • Teach and lead activities
  • Participate and lead camp traditions
  • Work individually and in a group

While specific arrival and departure dates are determined each year, counselors will arrive about one week before campers arrive for pre-camp training. Counselors can expect to  stay at camp a few days after campers depart to help with end of summer duties.  Please email us for more specific dates.

It is common for counselors to travel together after camp.  We will work with you to coordinate your arrival and departure from camp.

Counselors live with one or two co-counselors in a cabin and have 13-15 girls in their cabin.  For information about our cabins see here

Junior Directors live in the cabins and some have separate living quarters.  All male staff live in separate quarters.

All employees are compensated based on prior experience, qualifications, and level of education; as well as position and availability dates. Camp Jeanne d’Arc salaries are competitive and include room, board, and laundry. Internet access is available to be used during a free period or days off only. Cell phone coverage is limited.

Consuming alcohol, vaping, smoking, chewing tobacco and using other controlled substances are not allowed on camp property. In addition, employees are not to return to camp property under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. Breaking this policy is grounds for immediate dismissal.

During the total employment period, staff members will receive 24 hours or more each two (2) weeks in blocks of no less than 12 consecutive hours. There are no days off during the first and last weeks of camp. Certain exceptions are made for important family events, school events or religious worship, within reason.  Catching the bus to Plattsburgh must be coordinated with the Head Counselor. 

You will be permitted to access the internet during free periods or days off in the Chalet; however, you will not be permitted to keep your device on you or in your cabin. For the most part, we are a tech-free environment.

We would love to accommodate your desire to carry out an internship at Camp Jeanne d’Arc. Give us a call or send an email, and we’ll work out the details.

We are a camp of inclusion, acceptance, and respect. On Sundays we provide an opportunity for campers and staff to worship according to  their faith; we also provide a non-religious/values based meeting option. Campers and staff are asked to choose one of the following 1-hour activities: 1) Non-religious Inspirational Service, 2) Catholic Mass or 3) Bible Stories. At the end of campfire each night, we recite the Lord’s Prayer together (sometimes in multiple languages). Singing grace before and after each meal is also part of our camp tradition.

Join the adventure this summer!